Bird pictures by species
This page lists all species by alphabetical order, for which photos are available. The number of pictures for each species is shown in parenthesis.
The site currently contains 823 photos of 191 different species.
- - B -
- Blackbird, Red-winged - Agelaius phoeniceus (14)
- Bluebird, Eastern - Sialia sialis (1)
- Bobolink - Dolichonyx oryzivorus (2)
- Bunting, Snow - Plectrophenax nivalis (9)
- - C -
- Cardinal, Northern - Cardinalis cardinalis (3)
- Catbird, Gray - Dumetella carolinensis (5)
- Chickadee, Black-capped - Poecile atricapillus (8)
- Chickadee, Boreal - Poecile hudsonicus (2)
- Coot, American - Fulica americana (3)
- Cormorant, Double-crested - Phalacrocorax auritus (8)
- Cormorant, Great - Phalacrocorax carbo (1)
- Cormorant, Pelagic - Phalacrocorax pelagicus (1)
- Cowbird, Brown-headed - Molothrus ater (6)
- Crow, American - Corvus brachyrhynchos (5)
- Crow, Northwestern - Corvus caurinus (1)
- Cuckoo, Yellow-billed - Coccyzus americanus (1)
- - D -
- Dove, Mourning - Zenaida macroura (6)
- Duck, American Black - Anas rubripes (9)
- Duck, Ring-necked - Aythya collaris (3)
- Duck, Ruddy - Oxyura jamaicensis (4)
- Duck, Wood - Aix sponsa (19)
- Dunlin - Calidris alpina (6)
- - E -
- Eagle, Bald - Haliaeetus leucocephalus (5)
- Egret, Great - Ardea alba (4)
- Eider, Common - Somateria mollissima (3)
- - F -
- Falcon, Peregrine - Falco peregrinus (2)
- Finch, House - Haemorhous mexicanus (1)
- Finch, Purple - Haemorhous purpureus (7)
- Flicker, Northern - Colaptes auratus (5)
- Flycatcher, Alder - Empidonax alnorum (2)
- Flycatcher, Least - Empidonax minimus (1)
- Flycatcher, Scissor-tailed - Tyrannus forficatus (1)
- Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied - Empidonax flaviventris (1)
- - G -
- Gadwall - Anas strepera (5)
- Gallinule, Common - Gallinula galeata (15)
- Gannet, Northern - Morus bassanus (7)
- Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray - Polioptila caerulea (4)
- Goldeneye, Common - Bucephala clangula (3)
- Goldfinch, American - Spinus tristis (6)
- Goose, Canada - Branta canadensis (5)
- Goose, Snow - Chen caerulescens (20)
- Goose, Swan - Anser cygnoides (1)
- Grackle, Common - Quiscalus quiscula (10)
- Grebe, Pied-billed - Podilymbus podiceps (6)
- Grosbeak, Evening - Coccothraustes vespertinus (7)
- Grosbeak, Pine - Pinicola enucleator (6)
- Grosbeak, Rose-breasted - Pheucticus ludovicianus (7)
- Guillemot, Black - Cepphus grylle (3)
- Gull, Black-headed - Chroicocephalus ridibundus (1)
- Gull, Bonaparte's - Chroicocephalus philadelphia (4)
- Gull, Glaucous-winged - Larus glaucescens (5)
- Gull, Great Black-backed - Larus marinus (15)
- Gull, Herring - Larus argentatus (12)
- Gull, Ring-billed - Larus delawarensis (13)
- - H -
- Hawk, Cooper's - Accipiter cooperii (1)
- Hawk, Red-tailed - Buteo jamaicensis (1)
- Heron, Great Blue - Ardea herodias (12)
- Heron, Green - Butorides virescens (7)
- Hummingbird, Ruby-throated - Archilochus colubris (7)
- - J -
- Jay, Blue - Cyanocitta cristata (2)
- Jay, Gray - Perisoreus canadensis (8)
- Junco, Dark-eyed - Junco hyemalis (6)
- - K -
- Kestrel, American - Falco sparverius (2)
- Killdeer - Charadrius vociferus (8)
- Kingbird, Eastern - Tyrannus tyrannus (11)
- Kingfisher, Belted - Megaceryle alcyon (2)
- Kinglet, Ruby-crowned - Regulus calendula (3)
- Kittiwake, Black-legged - Rissa tridactyla (5)
- - L -
- Lark, Horned - Eremophila alpestris (2)
- Longspur, Lapland - Calcarius lapponicus (2)
- Loon, Common - Gavia immer (6)
- - M -
- Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos (11)
- Martin, Purple - Progne subis (1)
- Merganser, Common - Mergus merganser (6)
- Merganser, Hooded - Lophodytes cucullatus (8)
- Merganser, Red-breasted - Mergus serrator (2)
- Merlin - Falco columbarius (6)
- Murre, Common - Uria aalge (1)
- - N -
- Night-Heron, Black-crowned - Nycticorax nycticorax (3)
- Nuthatch, Red-breasted - Sitta canadensis (1)
- Nuthatch, White-breasted - Sitta carolinensis (7)
- - O -
- Oriole, Baltimore - Icterus galbula (9)
- Oriole, Orchard - Icterus spurius (3)
- Osprey - Pandion haliaetus (5)
- Owl, Barn - Tyto alba (2)
- Owl, Northern Hawk - Surnia ulula (3)
- Owl, Snowy - Bubo scandiacus (2)
- - P -
- Parula, Northern - Setophaga americana (5)
- Pewee, Eastern Wood- - Contopus virens (1)
- Phalarope, Red-necked - Phalaropus lobatus (2)
- Phalarope, Wilson's - Phalaropus tricolor (1)
- Phoebe, Eastern - Sayornis phoebe (3)
- Pigeon, Rock - Columba livia (4)
- Plover, American Golden- - Pluvialis dominica (2)
- Plover, Black-bellied - Pluvialis squatarola (4)
- Plover, Piping - Charadrius melodus (4)
- Plover, Semipalmated - Charadrius semipalmatus (3)
- Puffin, Atlantic - Fratercula arctica (3)
- - R -
- Rail, Virginia - Rallus limicola (3)
- Raven, Common - Corvus corax (3)
- Razorbill - Alca torda (3)
- Redhead - Aythya americana (3)
- Redpoll, Common - Acanthis flammea (6)
- Redstart, American - Setophaga ruticilla (3)
- Robin, American - Turdus migratorius (4)
- - S -
- Sanderling - Calidris alba (4)
- Sandpiper, Least - Calidris minutilla (4)
- Sandpiper, Semipalmated - Calidris pusilla (3)
- Sandpiper, Solitary - Tringa solitaria (2)
- Sandpiper, Spotted - Actitis macularius (4)
- Sandpiper, White-rumped - Calidris fuscicollis (3)
- Sapsucker, Red-breasted - Sphyrapicus ruber (2)
- Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied - Sphyrapicus varius (3)
- Scaup, Lesser - Aythya affinis (3)
- Screech-Owl, Eastern - Megascops asio (4)
- Shoveler, Northern - Anas clypeata (6)
- Siskin, Pine - Spinus pinus (5)
- Snipe, Wilson's - Gallinago delicata (4)
- Sora - Porzana carolina (2)
- Sparrow, American Tree - Spizella arborea (4)
- Sparrow, Chipping - Spizella passerina (3)
- Sparrow, Fox - Passerella iliaca (2)
- Sparrow, Harris's - Zonotrichia querula (1)
- Sparrow, House - Passer domesticus (3)
- Sparrow, Lincoln's - Melospiza lincolnii (1)
- Sparrow, Savannah - Passerculus sandwichensis (7)
- Sparrow, Song - Melospiza melodia (8)
- Sparrow, Swamp - Melospiza georgiana (2)
- Sparrow, White-crowned - Zonotrichia leucophrys (9)
- Sparrow, White-throated - Zonotrichia albicollis (7)
- Starling, European - Sturnus vulgaris (2)
- Swallow, Barn - Hirundo rustica (7)
- Swallow, Tree - Tachycineta bicolor (14)
- Swan, Mute - Cygnus olor (2)
- - T -
- Tanager, Scarlet - Piranga olivacea (4)
- Teal, Blue-wing - Anas discors (2)
- Tern, Black - Chlidonias niger (2)
- Tern, Common - Sterna hirundo (5)
- Tern, Forster's - Sterna forsteri (2)
- Thrasher, Brown - Toxostoma rufum (2)
- Thrush, Hermit - Catharus guttatus (1)
- Thrush, Swainson's - Catharus ustulatus (4)
- Thrush, Wood - Hylocichla mustelina (1)
- Titmouse, Tufted - Baeolophus bicolor (2)
- Towhee, Eastern - Pipilo erythrophthalmus (2)
- Towhee, Spotted - Pipilo maculatus (2)
- Turkey, Wild - Meleagris gallopavo (4)
- Turnstone, Ruddy - Arenaria interpres (2)
- - V -
- Veery - Catharus fuscescens (2)
- Vireo, Red-eyed - Vireo olivaceus (3)
- Vireo, Warbling - Vireo gilvus (3)
- Vireo, White-eyed - Vireo griseus (2)
- Vulture, Black - Coragyps atratus (1)
- Vulture, Turkey - Cathartes aura (4)
- - W -
- Warbler, Bay-breasted - Setophaga castanea (4)
- Warbler, Black-and-white - Mniotilta varia (6)
- Warbler, Black-throated Blue - Setophaga caerulescens (4)
- Warbler, Black-throated Green - Setophaga virens (5)
- Warbler, Blackburnian - Setophaga fusca (4)
- Warbler, Blue-winged - Vermivora cyanoptera (3)
- Warbler, Canada - Cardellina canadensis (2)
- Warbler, Cape May - Setophaga tigrina (5)
- Warbler, Cerulean - Setophaga cerulea (4)
- Warbler, Chestnut-sided - Setophaga pensylvanica (5)
- Warbler, Golden-winged - Vermivora chrysoptera (1)
- Warbler, Magnolia - Setophaga magnolia (3)
- Warbler, Nashville - Oreothlypis ruficapilla (1)
- Warbler, Orange-crowned - Oreothlypis celata (1)
- Warbler, Palm - Setophaga palmarum (4)
- Warbler, Prothonotary - Protonotaria citrea (3)
- Warbler, Tennessee - Oreothlypis peregrina (1)
- Warbler, Wilson's - Cardellina pusilla (1)
- Warbler, Yellow - Setophaga petechia (7)
- Warbler, Yellow-rumped - Setophaga coronata (9)
- Waterthrush, Louisiana - Parkesia motacilla (2)
- Waterthrush, Northern - Parkesia noveboracensis (1)
- Waxwing, Bohemian - Bombycilla garrulus (4)
- Waxwing, Cedar - Bombycilla cedrorum (9)
- Wigeon, American - Anas americana (1)
- Willet - Tringa semipalmata (1)
- Woodpecker, Black-backed - Picoides arcticus (1)
- Woodpecker, Downy - Picoides pubescens (8)
- Woodpecker, Hairy - Picoides villosus (3)
- Woodpecker, Pileated - Dryocopus pileatus (5)
- Woodpecker, Red-bellied - Melanerpes carolinus (1)
- Woodpecker, Red-headed - Melanerpes erythrocephalus (2)
- Wren, Carolina - Thryothorus ludovicianus (4)
- Wren, House - Troglodytes aedon (5)
- Wren, Marsh - Cistothorus palustris (6)
- - Y -
- Yellowlegs, Lesser - Tringa flavipes (4)
- Yellowthroat, Common - Geothlypis trichas (6)